Sunday, August 12, 2012

Up she goes!

     Out of the ground and underway.  Brent and his crew started framing last week.  The Smart framing techniques have prove a little challenging, keeping studs joists and rafters aligned.  Also correct header sizing, everybody wants to keep adding a safety factor instead of trusting the numbers.  We're working throught that and the other thing that we have to keep checking is the Energy Star Thermal Bypass checklist for anything going on the exterior walls.  For instance Jeff made a good catch earlier this week noting that "Don't we need to have an air barrier going around the stairs?" This just before they started framing in the stairs!  The learning curve has been a little steep for everyone.  People are a little jumpy around the site hoping they haven't missed something that would cost a point or worse a pre-requisite.

     I've attached a few pictures to show some of the framing.  Another item to note is the use of Structural Insualted Sheathing (SIS) instead of OSB.  The 1/2" SIS gives us an additional R-3 after the foam has stabilized.  Over this we will be placing another 2" of Poly-iso foam rated at R-12, then housewrap, then 3/4" furring strips to mount the siding on.  The use of two layers of foam insulation  and offsetting the seams during installation, significantly decreases the amount of air infiltration.  Also in typical construction with OSB as the sheathing and fiberglass ("filterglass") insulation in the wall cavity, creates a situation where the back side of the OSB is warmer than the exterior face thus creating a surface for condensation to collect.  OSB + Condensation = a bad situation over time if the OSB does not have adequate time and air flow to dry out.

     Right now, I'm pretty well exhausted.  Building this house is fun even if it is a little draining mentally.  But not only are we building the house, I'm trying to get the pavilion started, we're looking at rescuing a couple of old barns to re-locate to the farm and I have a stone chicken coop to build before winter.   Yeesh!  I'll keep more coming. 

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